The Chronicles Of Dogelon: Every Elon Musk Tweet Decoded

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A New Paradigm - Crypto Mysteries Solved Like NEVER Seen Before

Remember how you felt when you missed out on the legendary SHIB pump?

Remember how you felt when Doge suddenly surpassed the cents and shot up to half a dollar?

This time will be much worse. Out of this world. No one can stop this invasion.

Time is ticking so loud that it should hurt your ears by now.

You better NOT miss out ON THIS ONE.

The "once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity" of YOUR life. But not for long ... tick tock.

Money & Time Wait For Nobody

Hey, you. You‘re finally awake.

You were trying to leave the simulation, right?

So was I. The answers were always in front of us, one only had to dig deeper.

But be warned. The dark depths of the maelstrom is not a place to ever return from, at least not as the same.

In the end, you‘ll have to connect the dots for yourself. To finally understand, you have to internalize this sacred wisdom and forget everything you knew before.

Take a deep breath and jump straight in. Good luck.

Ever wondered what each of Elon Musk's weird memes are all about? - And are they really just "memes"?

Ever wondered why Elon Musk mentioned all different kinds of dog coins? - And why he never mentioned them ever again? (No, it's not just for shits and giggles)

Ever wondered why Dogecoin never reached its full potential? - And why there is already another cryptocurrency ready to replace it?


Do you really think you know what's going on behind the scenes in crypto space?

Forget about XRP for a second.

Don't even think about Shiba Inu, Floki, Baby Doge or any other shitcoin (you missed the train anyway)

And most definitely forget about the CCJ - Cardano Circle Jerk.

This one goes much deeper.

So deep that you won't ever again know where the heck you are.

Only with the subtle difference that I am there to show you the way with my Lantern of Revelation.

You see...

The only reason why you're here reading this is because you feel lost.

You bought all sorts of cryptocurrencies.

Just to watch them dump...

You have tried EVERYTHING to achieve financial freedom.

And yet you failed.

I get you.

I was once the same, it happened to me too.

Everyone told you it's so easy to make money with crypto.

But the reality is that it WAS this easy.

Back then in 2020 & 2021.

Unfortunately for you... times have changed.

Everyone these days has heard the success stories of how 15 year olds got filthy rich.

This sparked a trend.

Now, every Joe and their mother is trying to win the Jackpot.

It's all about "to the moooon!"

But let me tell you a quick fact:

The Moon was yesterday.

The next memorable stop in the crypto space will be on Mars.

There is a reason why Elon is trying to colonize the red planet.

But that's another story for another time...

In the great sea of shitcoins it's almost impossible to find the "hidden gem".

My in-depth research into the most crazy rabbit hole has changed the odds though.

What I have found is literally unheard of.

This is where "The Chronicles of Dogelon" comes into play.

You're not going to believe it until you see it...

Wait A Second ... What?!

Yes, you heard me right.

When I was digging through the sands of time.

I found a glitch in the matrix.

This is no sales pitch bullshit.

You can check it for yourself or you can close the tab right now and return back to your normal boring life and hear about this in the news.

How much do you think this would piss you off?

No one would ever believe you.

Because you weren't there to tell your friends and family about it...

Wouldn't you rather be part of this experience?

Being one of the early participants in this galactic discovery.

BEFORE the sonic boom around the globe happens.

Listen closely.

You are one of the lucky few in this world who managed to find this portal.

A portal to freedom.

The Dark Prophecy Of “Equilibrium”

There is a reason why the market is tanking.

Why you are attacked by a never ending FEAR.

You hear it wherever you go, wherever you look.

And deep inside you are starting to doubt yourself and your purpose.

You ask yourself “could this all be true?

Is this journey over, has the market come to a final end?

"Will I ever be rich or do I have to work my ass off for the rest of my life?"

Understandable. Why would you not?

With all the massive, terrifying FUD that is surrounding you.

Numbing you.

Freezing you.

Why would you not? Just give in to the sweet, deceiving words of negativity... Of defeat, right?


I don’t even blame you. I honestly do not.

But I have to also tell you the cold hard truth.

It’s something I have been saying since the beginning.

And the truth is…

MOST PEOPLE will NOT make it to Mars.

You don’t believe me? So why do you see loads and loads of people abandoning the ship?

I see it everyday. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

OGs from the early days of crypto tell me they sold their bags.

Some profiles vanished into eternity.

Others were liquidated.

And the few that are still left, desperately ask me for direction.

I tell them the same I tell you right now.

Nothing but the truth.

I have never changed my mind; I have never changed my path.

My excitement knows no end, I grabbed a seat in the first row to watch Mars finally glow up in front of my shining eyes.

Equilibrium is a state of balance.

While one side is selling, the other side is buying more.

And while one side is losing, the other side is WINNING.

The little secret about Equilibrium:

This is CRUCIAL for the coming times…

In order to internalize this process, you NEED to restore your mental and emotional balance.


This invasion demands your full attention - and calmness in order to face the chaos.

Just because the invasions have started, doesn’t automatically mean that we have left Phase 2 and slid into the final Phase: the so called "Lift-Off-Phase".

Just because you do not SEE the progress being made behind the scenes, doesn’t mean nothing is happening.

We are at WAR.

Ares the god of war is fighting out there for the sake of Mars.

He is poured in blood.

This is a battlefield and no battle ever ends without blood being spilled.

Yes, the markets are bleeding. So?

While the cowards are running, the brave ones keep standing their ground.

And guess which group will be rewarded in the end?

In order to make it...

In order to bath in glory... you have to STAND YOUR GROUND.

We have lost many companions to our archenemy named FUD. That’s just the way it is.

This nemesis is devouring many of the once-loyal crypto pioneers.

Some of them are even particularly cowardly.

They THINK they are safe on other ships.

Ships like shitcoins, real estate or even stocks.

Little do they know that those ships are heading towards an armada of total destruction - also named "Inflation" and "Recession".

Our enemies are trying to destroy us now more than ever.

Because we have almost reached the finish line.

They will do ANYTHING to stop us now.

Unfortunately we might lose more of our kind.

And this deeply hurts me. It hurts me more than you can ever imagine.

Because I want everyone out there to succeed.

I don’t want to end up alone on Mars.

But I will if I have to.

Better buckle up and start remembering the MOST important thing:

YOU have only ONE CHANCE to reach Mars.

And that's on OUR SHIP.

Choose your fate or someone else will choose it for you.

Now or never.

How many wake up calls do you still need before you miss your chance FOREVER?

Join NOW and become a member of The Shadow Council to conquer crypto and outer space.

Still not convinced?

Have a look then:

That's one of dozens of things I have already predicted correctly:

Many fortunes were made that day and many millionaires were created - but only those who listened to my warnings.

Everyone else has started to regret.

Watch closely.

(plus a glitch in the matrix - do you really think this was COINCIDENCE)

I had also warned tons of people for the coming crashs within this bear market as I had shown people the exact pattern to follow.

It's basically EASY.

All you have to do is to listen to my advice and follow my guidance - that's it.

Yes, it actually is this simple.

It doesn't need any magic or voodoo.

And definitely no bullshit "Technical Analysis".

With "The Chronicles of Dogelon" you'll learn:

  • How billionaires and high-influential people work hand in hand to replace Dogecoin aka "The Ship of Theseus".
  • Why Elon Musk talks in riddles and what they really mean
  • And how the Imperator of Mars actually WANTS YOU to understand this before it's too late
  • How to not miss out on the next life changing opportunity to make 6 to 7 figures (or MORE, there is no limit!) and change the world by being part of something bigger than you could ever imagine
  • Why Longevity, Space and Crypto have the same common ground
  • Lessons about how to unplug from the matrix and leave the simulation of the "hive mind virus"


  • What role Vitalik Buterin plays in all this and why Ethereum could possibly dethrone Bitcoin
  • Understand the role of CEO CZ of Binance for Elon
  • Guides on NFTs, DeFi & Cryptocurrencies (For example why Pulsechain is going to revolutionize crypto in all its aspects)
  • Who Richard Heart is and why Pulse, Pulsex and Hex will replace the current Top 10
  • Which NFTs to NOT sleep on
  • And much, much more ...

Here's what you get with each Tier-Membership:

Tier 1
Keeper of Truth:

»You’re responsible for the hidden knowledge within the universe. Not only have you fought your way through all the lies, enigmas and fake news, but your persistence led you to this sacred sphere. A balance between darkness and light – where only truth matters. You help those lost in the maze and secure the path of the Grand Inquisitor. You are the Keeper of Truth

✓ Access to the new exclusive investigation Channel on Telegram with frequent updates of the top secrets uncovered

✓ Weekly Newsletter

Tier 2
Galactic Agent

»Your real identity is unknown. As you have become an agent in the galaxy, no task has ever been a challenge. Infiltration is the key to success and usually to the heart of any enemy base. While working behind the scenes like a ghost, you sabotage the front lines and annihilate those that try to disturb the master plan. Shadows are your most loyal companion; stealth your second name. You are the Galactic Agent

✓ Access to the new exclusive investigation Channel on Telegram with frequent updates of the top secrets uncovered

✓ Join the prestigious Discord Server and become part of a community full of like-minded truth seekers

Mint 1 unique Limited-Edition* NFT of the Chronicles-Collection (After 12 Months Membership or directly paid in yearly)

✓ Exclusive Content

✓ Monthly AMA's

✓ Weekly Newsletter

* first come first serve. limited quantity. will launch approx. EOY

Tier 3 (Limited Spots)
Master Conspirator

»The realm of intrigue is entirely yours. Endless webs of deceit have tested your sanity. Under agony and the eternal temptation to give up, you have achieved the impossible: seizing the threads of cunning to yourself. Thus, the tide of the power structure has turned. You have mastered the game of confusion; have become a reflection of your greatest enemies. No spymaster knows what game is being played anymore or who the real mastermind is. But one thing is for sure – that you belong to the Grand Inquisitor's inner circle. You are the Master Conspirator

✓ Access to the new exclusive investigation Channel on Telegram with frequent updates of the top secrets uncovered

Join the Private Elite Telegram-Group with members like the Grandmaster Cicero himself and learn lessons on how to train your mind to become the best version of yourself, how to upgrade in life, my top life hacks, what to do once you're financially independent and so much more. You'll learn more in one month from the powerful knowledge of experts than you could ever do in a decade on your own.

✓ Receive special profile pictures to decorate yourself on social media to show your allegiance to the Upper Echelon

✓ Join the prestigious Discord Server and become part of a community full of like-minded truth seekers

✓ Access to direct Mentorship from Cicero

Mint 1 unique Limited-Edition* NFT of the Chronicles-Collection (After 3 Months Membership)

✓ Exclusive Content

✓ Monthly AMA's

✓ Weekly Newsletter

✓ Future Giveaways, Events & Meetings

✓ Many more secret features yet to be revealed

* first come first serve. limited quantity. will launch approx. EOY

Just look at what Chronicles-readers have to say:

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this membership for?

  • People who want to unplug from the matrix and are willing to take the red pill
  • Anybody who wants to experience the "Shib Phenomenon" for themselves and don't want to hear about some random teenagers making big bank again
  • Anybody ready to fully understand Elon Musk's way of thinking and how his influence & power will actually change our earth and universe very soon

Who is this membership not for?

  • Lazy people who think they will become rich by simply joining my Channel and doing nothing
  • People who don't want to take the time and focus to actually try to understand and internalize every enigma and lesson I have to uncover
  • People who rather want to watch Netflix all day for the rest of their lives and stay broke

Why should I trust you - what if your information is wrong?

First of all I'm no financial advisor, so my guidance is not your cheat code to become a millionaire overnight. And yet I've already made a handful of people millionaires thanks to my in-depth research. Most of my predictions were right. My investigation serves more to open the door for you and to set the direction, but you have to take the actual leap in the end for yourself.

Are you promoting just another shitcoin?

Valid question, but the short answer is: No.
There are plenty of reasons why my research is centered around the richest man in the world. I have discovered the most mind blowing secrets and cracked its codes. This is going to blow up like Cicada 3301, only much more explosive. If you don't believe me, go ahead and waste your time with Netflix and come back in a year from now. After all: Regret is a form of punishment itself. You don't know what you don't know.

What's the difference between the Discord Server and the Private Elite Group on Telegram?

The Discord Server serves more as a public community-place. You can talk with fellow martians about stuff like crypto or my research. This is the place most people have waited desperately for: a place where they can finally talk freely about the many riddles with the right people. Picture a modern Forum Romanum.

Whereas the Telegram group is much more a private, classified lodge of like-minded professionals. Here you have a family-like environment. You will be dealing with high class individuals with limitless ambitions. Picture a vintage Whiskey-Smokers-Lounge. Reserved for the Upper Echelon only.

I don't know what to expect inside your Channel, can you give me a taste of the content?

Actually I can give you more than 3000+ posts for FREE. Just have a look at my Twitter

and enjoy the endless rabbit hole within my public FREE Research channel ...
The BIGGEST, most in depth research channel in the whole crypto sphere - and it's all for FREE.

WARNING: But Before You Dive Off ...

Even though I fully recommend newcomers to first read through the free Chronicles of Dogelon Channel, there is an urgency I have to let you know beforehand ...

This journey is taking place already for more than two years.

And you have only just now decided to join the party.

This is really good, it's actually fantastic, because you're still right in time.

But ...

Most of my readers have been on board for many months.

Which makes them prepared already for the upcoming storm.

But you're not.

You have no clue what's the deal.

Things are about to heat up in the coming weeks.

There is a TON I have to warn you about and for you to take preparations in.

The brutal truth is that I don't know how much longer things will take.

We could be fairly close to some huge event happening which will be one-of-a-kind within the crypto space.

Something none of us have EVER seen BEFORE!


You are about to make what is probably the most important and best decision of your life. Because you have decided to change it drastically. Now that you have taken the first step to unplug, you are ready to escape from the matrix once and for all. Take a deep breath and jump into the Maelstrom.

See you inside the maze.

Attention: If you should get lost during your travel through the Abyss (it happens very rarely, but it can happen!) just keep calm and follow the light. You will find me.

The Portal is open now. Don't lose any more time, I can not hold it open for any longer.


Note: Nothing mentioned in this guide should be taken as financial advice


Access to the deepest research on crypto secrets in the entire space. Are you ready to take the red pill?

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The Chronicles Of Dogelon: Every Elon Musk Tweet Decoded

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